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High Criteria Surgery Club – Decentralized Autonomous Organization

High Criteria Surgery Club (HCSC) is a non-profit project. It aims to develop a strong foothold in the emerging ecosystem of philanthropic DAO, bringing together the collective consciousness of a DAO to the world of NFTs. HCSC will give its members the ability to pledge and deploy NFT-focused surgical treatment to the burn victims. Once a High Criteria NFT is purchased, High Criteria Surgery Club could evolve into several different directions.


Mainly, a NFT would enable a free surgical treatment to a burn victim. A surgical treatment is the most important aspect of the burn care. It possesses immense gravity to a burn victim, especially in LMIC countries (Low-Middle Income Countries). Lack financial support, advocacy and medical resources makes the devastating injury even more difficult to treat. Patients not only suffer from physical disfigurement, functional mobility and mental pressure but also social stigma due to lack of education in their society.

As a NFT owner, members will have the right and ability to vote, plan and execute a proposal. Members can discuss potential projects and vote on the direct distribution of funds with following potential goals in mind:

a) Improve the physical, mental and social aspects of by providing FSUB.

b) Organize burn prevention projects.

c) Standardizing burn care in LMIC.

d) Training medical professionals.

e) Connecting burn care specialists nationally and internationally.

“Suffering is excessive focus on yourself. Similarly, happiness is excessive focus on others.”